Sunday, February 22, 2009


Windows are next. These are the windows waiting in the garage. Dan installed several over the weekend, so we will update the site once he has taken some pictures.

Along with that, I installed a new addition to our alarm system, a motion detector in the garage (so keep your grubby paws off our windows! =D)


We had two fireplaces installed, a wood-burning one in the family room and a gas one directly above it in the master suite. The one in the master suite will be remote-controlled! How cool is that?

Speaking of cool, the temperature dropped way down the last couple of days. Poor Dan has been working at the house, surrounded by his electricians and HVAC dudes. Brrr...


Sigh...yes, I'm a bad, bad blogger. What can ya do?

We have a new roof with architectural tiles. We went with a slate grey, as the black seemed like it would make the house too dark. We will lighten the shutters in the future sometime.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Brick, Laying out the Kitchen, Jacuzzi!

Lots going on as always. Dan finished up the addition. The brick folk put brick up, while I laid out the kitchen. Dan installed the jacuzzi, among his myriad other tasks.